31 Jan, 2025 Is eating healthy and whole…Biblical?
By Summer Lane
Photo: Pixabay
Eating healthy is always a good thing – but perhaps it’s also a Biblical thing!
Although it might seem silly at first to assume that eating well could be a godly component of one’s life, it actually makes a lot of sense. For example, 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”
Our bodies were made in the image and likeness of God, and our very lives are gifts. Therefore, the Bible says to honor God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:20). We can do that by committing to healthy lifestyle choices and ensuring that what we put into our bodies is God-honoring.
Interestingly, Annette Reeder’s view on this subject is based entirely upon Biblical presentations and accounts of food. Reeder is a “Biblical Nutritionist” and author. She contends that the “Seven Foods of the Promised Land” – foods like pomegranates, dates, and olives – are the purest things we could put into our body. They are life-giving foods with healing and nourishing properties.
God made original food perfectly to provide what humans need to fuel and heal their bodies. Over the years, modern culture has distorted this picture by processing foods, adding toxic food dyes, poisoning the population with way too much sugar, and stripping items like wheat of nutrition through the process of genetic modification and the addition of chemical preservatives. Clearly, these types of ingredients are not God-honoring or good for the body.
In Genesis 1:29, the Bible says: “Then God said: ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it it. They will be yours for food.'”
What have we done to our food supply – and to our bodies – by adding to them and changing their composition? How can we get back to basics, heal our inflamed bodies, and nourish ourselves in the way God intended us to do?
There are many possible answers to this question, but Annette explains it so well in a special conversation this week on the Counter Culture Mom Show. Let’s heal together and embrace God’s design for our food!
Annette Reeder
The foods mentioned in the Bible are so much more than simple embellishments to the story. Food in scripture is there to point people in the direction of caring for their bodies the way God intended. This particular area of food study is the passion of Annette Reeder, also known as The Biblical Nutritionist. Annette is the author of The Seven Foods of the Promised Land, and loves sharing about getting back to our ancient roots of God-designed healthy nutrition by eating foods that are as close to their original design as possible. She discusses the importance of original wheat and barley, as well as foods like dates, pomegranates, and olives. Everything God created is good, and so we should stay away from foods that have been humanly corrupted, changed, and chemical-laden.
Summer Lane is the #1 bestselling author of 30 books, including the hit Collapse Series and Resurrection Series. She is an experienced journalist and editor who is covering the White House and incoming Trump administration. She owns Write Revolution News.
Summer is also a mom and wife who enjoys rural country living, herding cats, and gardening. She is passionate about writing on women’s issues, parenting, and politics from a theologically-grounded perspective that points readers to the good news of the gospel.
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