15 Apr, 2022 Celebrating the Joy of Easter
By Summer Lane
Easter has burst forth this year out of the blue, reminding us all that 2022 is already well underway.
The chaos and unrest of the world are hard to escape, but this year, let Easter be a celebration that roots you deeper into the truth and the good news of the gospel. He is risen. He is alive. Jesus Christ has come to seek and to save the lost.
Let’s take a moment today to reflect on the absolute miracle of salvation that is offered to us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Let’s take a step back from the flurry of decorating, Easter baskets, spring brunches and white, blossoming lilies for a moment and remember why we celebrate Easter.
The miracle never gets old.
Jesus is alive
Yes, there’s a lot going on in the world. The economy is hyper-inflated. Russia and Ukraine are deadlocked in what seems to be a senseless conflict. Our own government is pushing a radical, anti-God agenda to our children. Everywhere, there is chaos and pain and confusion.
But Jesus.
Over 2,000 years ago, He conquered the grave. He was crucified on a Roman cross and laid to rest. Three days later, He rose again, having taken the stain of sin on his own shoulders and given us a precious, indispensable gift: the offer of eternal life.
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come see the place where He was lying.” (Matt. 28:6)
Jesus gives us wisdom and peace in this crazy world
Friend, Jesus loves you. He came to this Earth to die for you – to take your place on the cross and bear the burden of your sin so that you didn’t have to. You are a blessed child of the Most High God, and what a joy it is to be a little sheep for His kingdom. Easter is a wonderful reminder of new life and new hope. The world is a terrible, fallen, place. But Jesus is our champion. Our King. Our victor.
We can have righteous anger or reasonable sadness when our leaders and our world commit heinous crimes against each other, but Jesus foretold of these times. These days of endless wars and rumors of wars. We can take heart, as the Bible says, because our hope is not in the finite, temporal realm. We look to heaven and Jesus’ return – when He will conquer evil and wipe away the tears from our eyes.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
The miracle of the resurrection is the best news, always
Christians tend to go through the motions – we get desensitized to the amazing miracle that the resurrection actually represents. We have been saved from an eternity in Hell by the Son of God.
Jesus conquered Satan. Sin. Pain. Darkness. All of it.
We are free because of Him. That’s worth celebrating every day. Easter is such a beautiful reminder that Jesus gives us hope. As Christians, we don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen to us when we die, or what’s going to happen, ultimately, to the world. Because we know! Jesus wins. He already won – 2,000 years ago when he rose again and conquered death.
Celebrate Easter with your loved ones and bask in the joy and beauty of Jesus’ gift of salvation. We are living in a miracle. We are living with hope and happiness and peace because Jesus is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem.
He is risen.
He is risen indeed.
Summer Lane is the #1 bestselling author of 30 books, including the hit Collapse Series and Resurrection Series. She is an experienced journalist and columnist who reports on news within the U.S. and abroad. Additionally, she analyzes politics and policies in weekly op/Eds on The Write Revolution.
Summer is also a mom and wife who enjoys rural country living, herding cats, and gardening. She is passionate about writing about women’s issues, parenting, and politics from a theologically-grounded perspective that points readers to the good news of the gospel.
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