22 Jul, 2022 Why Homeschooling is the BEST education for your children
An opinion piece
By Alexis Fischer
Homeschooling has become increasingly popular over the past few years.
When the coronavirus pandemic exploded across the world in 2020, many children were relegated to distance learning. For the first time, many parents were exposed to the curriculum and content their kids were learning in public school. Countless families are now choosing to continue homeschooling in the U.S. in light of the chaotic state of public schools and the ever-present threat of fluctuating Covid-related regulations and mandates. Today, Alexis Fischer shares her insight into the world of homeschooling, and offers a few arguments as to why homeschooling might just be the superior choice when it comes to educating your child.
Public schools are full of trouble. If you truly love your child, don’t put them in public school.
Kids are God’s greatest gift and yet they are often used as the government’s greatest tool. The average U.S. student will spend at least thirteen years in school to learn important life lessons and skills such as arithmetic, English and history. What were to happen if every weekday for thirteen years these skills and lessons were twisted and turned to change how children perceive things?
Adolf Hitler once said, “He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.”
Would it really surprise you if the government was teaching children the ways of their evil, twisted agendas in a way that made it look good? The Bible makes it clear that this would happen as Isaiah 5:20 states, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…”
The power of brainwashing is incredible, and it starts with the children in schools — especially public schools.
Homeschooling is the answer
One of the best decisions you could ever make for your child is to pull them out of the public school system and start your own homeschool. There are so many reasons why this decision will benefit your child.
Your rules, your curriculum
The first and most obvious reason why homeschooling is a wonderful choice is because you, the parent, decide what your child is learning. If you don’t want your kindergartener to be taught sex-ed like he or she would be taught in public schools, then you simply don’t teach it. The government can have no influence on what your child is exposed to since your child is not in an indoctrinating government school. You decide what your child is to learn and not to learn. It is as simple as that.
Academic advancements
Another reason to homeschool is for academic flexibility and advancement. In most states, the Common Core curriculum has been adopted. Common Core has a “one size fits all” approach to teaching. While this may help the slower learners, it holds back the advanced or even average-paced learners. Homeschooling your child will allow you to see where your child is academically and pace their learning accordingly, unlike public schools.
Interactive homeschooling
Homeschoolers also have an advantage that students regularly attending school don’t. Homeschoolers can adjust their curriculum to correspond with their interests.
For example, if your child wants to become a veterinarian, then they can intern at a clinic during normal business hours on weekdays whereas a child who attends school cannot. Homeschooling allows children to explore their different interests while also obtaining a traditional education. This will help your child to stand out to admissions offices at colleges as not everyone can intern or have the same experiences that homeschoolers are able to achieve.
Social Settings
Some kids don’t do well in a normal school setting. There are some children who are outgoing but then there are others who don’t fit in with the social “norm.” Sometimes it can be hard for children to make friends or interact with others. If a child is like this, their social anxiety and stress can reflect in their grades. Homeschooling is great for this as it allows kids who are better in a smaller, more personable, and interactive setting to reach their full potential without social stress taking a toll on their mental health and grades.
One final reason to homeschool is the bonding that occurs between the parent and the child. It seems that we have gone from a society where the mother stayed home to raise her children to a society where oftentimes women are the breadwinners in the family. Priorities have been shifted and random strangers are now paid to raise people’s children.
The connection between children and their parents has truly dwindled over the years. Spending even a few hours a day together learning and studying will surely strengthen the bond between a parent and their child. Instead of getting the common public-school experience where children are being exposed to drugs and sex at such a young age by their peers, they will be seeing a proper role model — their parents. Maybe instead of being exposed to pornography, they will be exposed to the Bible! Just think about how much of a difference this could make in your child’s life!
Homeschooling is the clear choice
Overall, there are countless reasons why homeschooling is the way to go. It is time that we bring up young sons and daughters of the King and not sons and daughters of this world. Your child depends on YOU to make the best decisions for them regarding their future and homeschooling will be one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. It will have a huge and everlasting impact on them for the rest of their life.
The opinions in this article are specific to its author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire Counter Culture Mom team.
Alexis Fischer is both a part time high school student and part time college student and author of ZAP! She has a passion for writing and speaking the truth through it.
When Alexis isn’t in school or writing, she is often photographing landscapes or traveling. She can be found volunteering at a local zoo and finding new ways to help both people and animals around her. Most importantly, Alexis loves to glorify God in all that she does.
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