26 Nov, 2021 Christmas Gifts That Keep on Giving!
by Katrina Cheshire
Christmas is a wonderful time of celebration!
This time of year is packed with joy, sweet time spent with family, amazing food, and remembering Jesus’ love for us.But there’s one problem.
Each year, people are swamped by the worry of what to buy, who to remember, and the stress of finding the perfect present. If this sounds like you, worry no longer! We’ve got a list of outstanding gifts for your whole family – and best of all, they come with some show-stopping discounts and deals! Let’s dive right in and take a look at all the good stuff. Don’t forget to share the list with your friends and family, so they can enjoy the great deals, too!
Subscription Boxes!
Light Speaks Loudest: Subscription Box for Teen GirlsÂ
This quarterly subscription box is beautiful, relevant, and designed to build up your daughter’s faith! The absolute perfect choice for a gift that will keep on giving, you can get 15% off your first box today. (code: CCM15) OFFER VALID NOW THROUGH December 28th, 2021 – 11:59 pm. Get yours ordered here! If you want all the amazing details of this box you need to catch our interview with Founder and Creator – Laura Fooks!
ARTZA Subscription Box
Perhaps the most unique subscription box ever created, this box takes you straight into the land of Israel. Following in the footsteps of Jesus and supporting the nation of Israel, the box is filled with food, spices, and so much more! Each box also has a theme, such as the Judean Desert, Jerusalem, Galilee, and an upcoming Christmas box, Bethlehem! You can get 20% off and a free box today with an annual subscription! Get this gift for everyone you know by clicking here! (code: ARTZATinaGriffin) And you HAVE to get a peek inside by watching our interview with Itai Schimmel!
HelloBible Subscription Box
The sweetest Bible story boxes for your little ones, each Hello Bible box comes with a Bible story in brilliant colors and crafts! HelloBible is a monthly opportunity for children to spend time with their parents or grandparents — creating, engaging, and growing in their walk with Jesus. We absolutely LOVE these boxes! Get $5 for your first box today. They have a box geared for 3-5-year-olds and a box for the kiddos 5-10! Visit their site today and give to your kids ALL year long (code: TINA) Brandon Janous did an amazing interview with us giving all the details of why this box is one your kids need! Watch here!
Apparel and Accessories!
COL1972 Pro-life Fashion Company
A fashion brand that supports important life values, Culture of Life has great style! Founded by a family of prayer warriors,they sell wonderful clothing for women. Get 10% off today AND a pair of adorable snowflake earrings for free with your purchase of $50 or more! (code: CCM)
Harts and Pearls AccessoriesÂ
If your wife or daughter is into accessories, this is the place to shop this Christmas! With one-of-a-kind headbands, scrunchies, hats, leggings, sweatshirts, and so much more, this special brand is perfect for your special girls. Get 15% off your order today! (code: TINA)
Homeschool Style Co.
The greatest place to find homeschool-themed stuff for your whole family! They sell homeschool shirts, mugs, bags, notebooks, hats, and much more, all with memorable quotes that your whole family will love. Get 10% off today! (code: TINA)
Tech Lovers!
GABB Wireless Phone
Many parents get stuck with a difficult decision: do they give their kids a phone to communicate with them, or not? GABB is the absolute answer for families in this situation! They have filled the gap, creating a cellphone that is only used for calling and texting! They have the Gabb smartphone, Gabb watch, and THE BRAND NEW Gabb watch lite! Get 50% off your purchase! This is an AMAZING deal… making a smartphone only $49!!! (code: TINA)Â
Circle Device
This awesome device monitors all the devices in your home. It allows parental controls for time and access to certain websites, keeping your kids accountable and honorable at all times! Get 10% off today! (code: SCREENTIME10)
**SPECIAL OFFER – TAKE 21% OFF CIRCLE HOME PLUS 11/15 – 11/30, 2021 (code: BLACKOUT)**
Covenant Eyes 
Covenant Eyes is on a mission to stop and defeat porn among families! Their parental controls work on a screenshot basis, where frequent screenshots of each device are taken and submitted to the parents for review. They are helping and saving families every day! Get a free trial today when you use this link, and text TINA to 66866 for the free Connected Guide!Â
Streaming Services!
VidAngel allows you to filter any movies or shows that you want to watch! You can filter entire categories, such as sex, language, and violence, or subcategories for super-specific watching. Do you want to block certain words or even the IMPLICATION of sexual content? VidAngel lets you! Protect your family’s eyes and ears, and get your first month for only $1! Click here to sign up and if you want to know EVEN MORE about VidAngel check out our fun interview with VidAngel’s CEO, Bill Aho! (code: TINA)
Liftable TV
Watch the Counter Culture Mom show on Liftable TV! This is the ultimate guide for parents who want to protect their kids from evil media and agendas. Get all the tools you need to guard and lead your family by checking it out today! Plus, LiftableTV offers so many other great Christian programs with similar content! This is a great subscription to have with NO worries attached! Find out more here and get signed up today! You’ll get 7 days free when you sign up for the monthly pass (no contract).
For The Ones Who Love Learning!Â
Creating a Masterpiece (online art classes)
If your kids love art, these classes are an incredible way to give them a gift that will last all year! With classes in painting, pastels, sculptures, and specialty art like wood burning, silk dying, scratching, and so much more, there is something for everyone! Make sure and use our code to get 20% off! (code: ART20)
Outschool: Educational Classes for FUNÂ
These online classes are fun and exciting! With everything from politics and travel to Disney Princess drawing and Creative Writing, your kids will learn to LOVE learning with these classes! Homeschool parents LOVE using this as a tool to create fun ways to learn the tough subjects, and even as tutoring! Get $20 off your first class when you sign up today!
The Tuttle Twins
These children’s books will teach your kids the truth about the world! Schools aren’t telling the truth on these topics, but your kids can learn about the evils of socialism and the good of so many other things through this series. Connor Boyack has done a phenomenal job, if you missed our interview with him on the Counter Culture Mom Show- check it out here!! They truly are the only books that help children develop critical thinking skills and share ideas with kids that even us as adults aren’t aware of! Honestly, most books for kids teach very basic ideas —they’re usually just full of fluff and silly stories. Get 40% off today and put these to good use!! (code: TINA)
Extra Fun For Everyone!
Animo Cards
If your kids have heard about Pokemon, these cards are a great replacement! Virtue triumphs over violence in this collectible card game that all your children will love to play! Straight from their website: “Our children face a REAL battle every day in their minds and hearts. Many things compete for those places, and we often don’t even realize it. So many of the toys, TV shows, video games, and trading cards, to which our children have access, focus on mythical battles fought with magic and violence. We want every child who holds an Animo card in their hand to understand that they are holding a true weapon with REAL POWER to overcome the REAL BATTLES they face in their hearts, minds, and daily lives. That weapon and power is God’s holy, unchanging Word. Learn it, meditate on it, and ENJOY it. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father, and He desires for us to use it to fight the spiritual battles raging all around us. His word is “alive and active” and “sharper than any two-edged sword”, it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training, so that we may be “thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Get 15% off your total order today – These are a GREAT stocking stuffer!! (code: TINA)Â
My Pillow
These are LITERALLY the best pillows and sheets you could ever imagine! We all know My Pillow is a great company to support! But how much better would it be if you had some MAJOR discounts for your Christmas shopping? Head over to the website today for all the great deals! (code: TINA)
Restor Coffee: Fights Sex Trafficking 
What if you could get amazing coffee and fight against human trafficking, all at once? Guess what? You CAN! Created by abolitionists and a coffee farmer, their Kona coffee is low-acidic and contributes to rescuing lives from sex trafficking. Rescuing children is a gift enough this Christmas! Also, check out the Counter Culture Mom Show episode with Jaco Booyens who gave an extremely thorough understanding of the human trafficking going on and how you can protect your children. So, for all you homeschool moms needing that caffeine… get over to RESTOR COFFEE and let’s help in more ways than one this Christmas!
Don’t forget to prioritize your HEALTH with C60 Complete
With the increased attention to viruses, colds, flu’s and effects from Pollution; many are asking what they can do to help protect themselves and their families. A STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM is the best answer! C60live Antioxidant line of products are the World’s best defense. Using only 100% organic, all-natural ingredients, scientifically proven to boost your immune system. Get it here and recieve $5 OFF WITH CODE TINA5
And TAKE CARE of your Finances! No Christmas debt!
Right On U Financial StewardshipÂ
Phew! What a run down! Last but not least, you don’t want to go into debt this Christmas! That’s why Right on U, a Christian company devoted to good stewardship, is so important! Creating Wealth through Stewardship with 3-Easy to achieve sections. Mind-management and multiplication, based upon God’s laws. This has worked for thousands of years! This is a create wealth course, not a get rich quick course! Starting at any point financially, this course is for you! Get your 40% off discount today! (code: TINA)
Happy gift giving! And Merry Christmas!
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Katrina Cheshire is a home school and Bible college graduate and the author of Seller of Dreams. She is passionate about good stories and the power they can have in shaping a life.
With seven siblings her life is full of adventure and excitement! She loves to design and sew clothing. She enjoys writing endless stories and read even more of them. You can find her making music with her brothers and sisters or dancing for the glory of God.
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Be sure to contact us if there is an issue you would like to have us write about! Our mission is to help parents deal with today’s lifestyle trends and how to biblically navigate them.
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