26 Apr, 2017 The best place to get quality inspirational family-friendly entertainment!
Sick of Hollywood pumping out graphic, vulgar content for your kids? Pure Flix has over 6,000 titles of inspirational films & TV shows for your family!
HOLLYWOOD INSIDER with Tina Marie​. Our guest today is Greg Gudorf CEO of Pure Flix digital. Their mission? To create films that impact our culture for Christ. Pure Flix strives to serve alongside the church by providing affordable and effective Movie Ministry solutions to use for Outreach, Church Growth, Fellowship Opportunities, Small Group Ministry and Sermon Messages. Let’s support companies that have our best interest at heart and have the greatest positive impact on our children!
Episode THREE – The best place to get quality inspirational family-friendly entertainment! PURE FLIX!
(watch video here)
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Introduction 1:41 Greg shares how we met at National Religious Broadcasters conference in Orlando. 2:03 How Pure Flix picked up the movie Case for Christ. 2:50 Parents are frustrated with so much graphic entertainment out there. We have the solution! 3:33 Details about the Encounter series on Pure Flix. Their first original series. 6:03 The POWER of media on our lives! Pure Flix mission to influence the culture for Christ through media. 6:23 How many hours our kids will be exposed to digital media in their lifetime! 7:46 Today’s top Hollywood TV shows and what they entail. 8:20 Over 6,000 shows to choose from on Pure Flix 8:39 Pure Flix is the largest inspirational film studio in the world. How did this occur? 11:26 How people can get involved in acting, directing in Christian films and TV shows. 14:09 All the varieties available on Pure Flix. Kids cooking shows, oldies like Lassie, other quality films. 14:53 Why every parent in America should have Pure Flix in their homes. Testimonies! 17:34 Teens have told me that graphic, violent entertainment affects them so much more than they thought. 19:10 Churches used to be involved in Hollywood years ago! We need to get involved again! 20:48 Hollywood needs to realize that the POSITIVE movies make a lot more $ at the box office. 21:48 Greg tells us the steps we can take as parents to keep our kids safe while watching entertainment. 23:07 My challenge to families. Ditch all harmful entertainment for a week and see how you feel. 24:17 Greg explains how to get the FREE first month trial and how easy it is to sign up. 24:57 The link you can click on for FREE month trail. 25:20 It’s NEVER too late to make better entertainment choices for your family! 26:00 Greg stresses that positive media is important for children as well as adults. 26:43 Listener question: Where does Pure Flix get all their content from? 27:31 Pure Flix goes beyond reinvesting to also being in alliance with Convoy of Hope! 29:23 We need to honor God through what we watch in entertainment. Let’s shut Hollywood down! 30:38 How we can volunteer with Convoy of Hope mission and donate to Pure Flix directly. Buy a gift card. 32:26 How people can submit a screen play. Email: support@pureflix.com. 33:23 Life is short. Let’s use our life to do what we can to do good. Feed your mind good info only! 34:20 New Pure Talk show. Check it out through Pure Flix. Having conversations on top issues today. 36:20 Links, share the video on social media, sign up for the newsletter. Conclusion
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CONTACT: To work with the production crew, act in one of their upcoming projects, submit a script/film or get help with your membership account click here: PURE FLIX
THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: For one week, choose only positive, clean entertainment through all media facets (video games, TV shows, movies, magazines, etc.) See how you feel after just one week. How are your kids behaving and responding to you? If we feed our minds only positive media, many studies show that our mind, body and soul will be in a much better state! Let’s give it a try!
Question: What great positive entertainment choices do you and your kids like that we need to know about? Share your thoughts by clicking here!
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