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grand theft auto

Grand Theft Auto Includes GRAPHIC P*rnography!

The Grand Theft Auto series is loaded with graphic pornography, violence, sex, drugs, prostitution! Parents are NOT aware. Check your kids’ bedrooms!

LONG gone are the days of Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Tetris and Paper Boy. Today our young kids, I’m talking 6, 7, 8 year old children are watching and playing games that are literally full of porn. No one should be exposed to this graphic sexual exploitation, but children none the less? Innocence is being stripped from their minds. What sex was intended for and the purity and the gratification of it, is wiped away when our young kids are being exposed to this garbage.

Studies now are saying that kids can become addicted to pornography after only several views. I knew about video game cheat codes for almost two decades and wrote a post on this topic last year. However, these sex scenes with girl-on-girl full frontal nudity or men with men and even multiple partners having sex are available without the need of cheat codes.

Here is a short clip of the pornography millions of children are being exposed to while assimilating sex through the use of a gaming controller. Notice the different disturbing choices a gamer has during these scenes in the photo above. They can change the rhythm, view and position while having sex with countless partners regardless if male or female. It is VERY DISTURBING and VERY GRAPHIC. I was torn if I should include this video or not, but knowledge is power. The few adults I’ve already showed this too had NO IDEA one of the top selling video game series in our country – Grand Theft Auto – filled their games with pornography throughout! Here it is, for the purpose of exposing the horrific-ness of the gaming industry and what they are doing to impressionable kids’ minds throughout the world. If you struggle with porn, DO NOT WATCH THIS! Know that this video has over 1.3 million views (many from children) so we need to know what in the heck is going on!


grand theft autoWhat alarms me is that even though these games have ratings, they are not rated properly (click here for the gaming rating system). From the footage I saw, they should be labeled XXX. Secondly, the ratings are not enforced a majority of the time. According to the Videogame Rating Council, this content is completely acceptable for a 17-year-old to watch. I completely disagree.

Also, other major issues are happening. A 10-year-old can go buy an M rated video game without a store clerk batting an eye. IF, by chance a store clerk should happen to stop a kid from purchasing it, the kid would just find another check out lane and get someone who doesn’t know the rules of the rating system or doesn’t care. Even so, an older teen can purchase the game and play it along with his or her 10-year-old brother or sister. It just floors me as to what is allowed to be produced and sold on store shelves to CHILDREN!

Here is another VERY GRAPHIC clip which shows the gamers perspective on how you can live out these graphic sex scenes. If your child owns this game, know that this is exactly what he/she is engaging in while they have their bedroom door shut and gaming unit on.

[youtube id=”MU5WO8hxRH8″]

Many parents have no clue what games their kids are playing under their roof, let alone when their kids go to someone else’s house to do their gaming with friends. We must be on high alert to know what content is in these video games and protect our kids’ minds at all cost. You can go to Plugged In online and do research ahead of time to know what content your kids will be exposed to. Some teens have told me that it’s no big deal and they won’t grab a gun and go kill people. I let them know that school shooters who are now in prison for life, said the same thing. I met one face to face.

Regardless, God wants the best for us and he even warns us to not partake in the enemies lies and deception. In Proverbs 10:11 is says, “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.” Here’s another eye-opener in Matthew 5:28, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Let’s steer clear from the enemy’s tactics and the video games he is trying to use as harmful bait.

Here is a short list of the top games which include full frontal nudity as well as sex scenes (as if nudity wasn’t bad enough).

Godfather II
Heavy Rain
Mass Effect
God of War III
Max Payne 3
Duke Nukem Forever
Age of Conan
Playboy the Mansion
The Elder Scrolls V
Witcher 1-3
Grand Theft Auto (series)
God of War II

This was one of the toughest blog posts to write thus far.

Let’s join forces and filter out any harmful, negative media from our homes, neighborhoods and towns. Pass this info on to other parents so they are not left in the dark. Let’s shine the light on this disgusting gaming industry and pray for those who are lost and trapped in the lies Satan has them entangled in.

[youtube id=”N_iZB1IGR6g”]

THE CHALLENGE THIS WEEK: Do some digging in your kids’ bedrooms and find out exactly what they are playing on their gaming device.

Question: What other games do you know about that should be on this DO NOT PLAY list? Share your answer by clicking here.

Click here to get help if you or someone you know is struggling with pornography. More resources on help with this addiction can also be found on my resources link.


  • kkh369
    Posted at 15:24h, 10 November Reply

    “….after only several views” ???? That makes NO sense.

  • Karen McDonald
    Posted at 18:34h, 26 July Reply

    this article is absolutely demeaning and disgusting to those who have an interest in video gaming it seems it’s more your fault for focusing on the worst parts of these fantastic games.

    • Tina Marie Griffin
      Posted at 09:32h, 24 September Reply

      Hi Karen! Thanks for writing in. Actually, I think video games are AWESOME AND FUN as long as they don’t promote the beheading of women and burning of bodies. The drive bys, oral sex, and gunning people down I highly suggest is a NO GO for anyone. THere are hundreds of positive games that don’t promote violence and murder to our children. So have it with the clean games! Text GUIDE to the number 444999 if you want to get your hands on our FREE CLEAN POP CULTURE GUIDE!

  • Isaiah Clements
    Posted at 19:30h, 15 March Reply

    Im sorry you sound like a person that can’t handle yourself it says 18+ and if you can’t handle a game that legit is named after a crime and you don’t understand what its about your dumber than what you sound karen.

    • CCM Team
      Posted at 02:19h, 17 March Reply

      Our blog is written in the consideration of those who are not 18+.
      Many younger children play these games and even though some parents allow it, some do not know what it is or don’t realize it.
      Thank you!

  • Jackie Doty
    Posted at 08:03h, 30 November Reply

    Great article! Thanks!

  • Isiaiah
    Posted at 09:42h, 01 May Reply

    if parents allow their child to play 18+games that’s not your problem anymore

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