24 Jul, 2020 What Will Your School Look Like this Fall? Part 2
by Dr. Kathryn Knight
In part one of this series on the changing school environments this fall by Dr. Kathryn Knight, CCM Education expert, shared some recommendations and insight about homeschool. Not everyone can homeschool, so what can families do?
Part 2: Options Do Exist
Mid-summer is here and this year we have unique – and hopefully – once-in-a-lifetime challenges about our kids’ education this fall. Homeschooling has become more popular, but not every family can utilize this education approach. There will be challenges enough this fall without feeling guilty about your school choices.
School Options
Consider the following as you navigate what will be a very different “new normal” come school time.
Pray together.
God desires for us to raise strong Christian kids who can stand against attacks and defend their faith. Keep prayer foremost as you begin a new school year, no matter where your kids go to school.
Check Out Options.
Maybe public school is not your only option now. Homeschool, homeschool co-op organizations, charter schools, micro-schools, and private schools all offer educational opportunities. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of opposition to these schools because they outperform public schools and keep money out of the public school coffer. Find out what options there are in your area and research what they are teaching.
Corey Deangelis, Director of School Choice at the Reason Foundation, also offers ideas for school options. Read about them by CLICKING HERE.
The Washington Post recently published an article about micro-schools. Check it out by CLICKING HERE.
Apply for Vouchers.
Many states offer vouchers to help kids have educational opportunities that do not exist in public schools near their homes. Vouchers allow families to choose their school. This option creates a competitive market for students and gives parents more choices if they are unhappy with their local schools.
Consider What the Curriculum Teaches.
Government-run public schools do not teach real history and instead teach that socialism is beneficial and good. Socialism is unbiblical and does not mesh with Christian values. Do not let your kids be indoctrinated. Schools other than public schools may or may not teach revisionist history. Be sure to find out what is really being taught before you turn your kids over to a school.
Ask for Help.
The ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) is offering free legal help to parents who cannot afford private schools and are not able to homeschool. Many families rely on the school system for transportation, meals, and de facto childcare while the parents work. If schools do not open, parents now have access to legal help to ensure they have the services their kids need. This includes IEPs for Special Needs kids.
Voice Concerns to Your Local School Board.
They are there to serve families. Let them know that you are watching what is being taught in your local schools.
School choice means you as the parent can choose what is best for your children. Do not miss this opportunity to reset education in your home and make sure that your kids are not indoctrinated into a system that touts socialism and does not respect God. Prayerfully consider what changes you need to make and wherever your kids go to school, be vigilant to make sure God is honored in what is taught.
Dr. Kathryn Knight is a 20+ year homeschool veteran who has graduated with three of her five children.
Kathryn loves to find creative ways to make learning hands-on so brain synapses connect and her kids enjoy school and remember what they’ve learned.
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