07 Apr, 2021 The Leading Role Award – The Monster Adoption Agency
by Bethany Dumbleton
The Leading Role Award
The Monster Adoption Agency
Kids these days have a MONSTER amount of tough situations to deal with. How many kids do you know that struggle with fear, anxiety, or nightmares? Have you ever tried to calm your child after they have woken up from a bad dream? Don’t forget the children who have to go from house to house because of divorce, or kids with disabilities who have a hard time connecting with their caretakers. Kids are dealing with so many tough situations, and sometimes they might need a little comfort to help them through.
The amazing kids who founded The Monster Adoption Agency are here to help!
What is the Monster Adoption Agency?
The Monster Adoption Agency was founded by Benjamin, 7, and Wyatt, 5, along with the support and help of their parents, Michelle and Shawn LaMont. The agency is managed by Stitchery Designs and started around Halloween in 2018. This little company has a great mission! They provide customized “worry monsters” for kids who may need a little help with fear, coping, anxiety, or any other negative emotion that may be hard to process!
Ben needed a little help from a friend.
The Monster Adoption Agency came about, like we mentioned, around Halloween when Ben was just 5 years old. He had woken up from a bad dream and of course, headed straight to his parent’s bedroom for help. The next day Michelle began looking for tools on Pinterest that may help her son to overcome his fears on his own. She saw plenty of articles about “monster spray,” but with her sewing abilities in mind, she had another idea! The Worry Monster! Ben took to paper and drew up a creative, one-of-a-kind monster, and mom got to work on the sewing machine! Surprisingly, both boys really benefited from having their worry monsters and the number of bad dreams decreased. They loved having a friend to chase their worries away, and wanted to share them with their friends!
Everyone needs a monster!
The boys started giving monsters out to classmates, friends, family members, and even adults are benefiting from them! Most recently they have decided to make a very ambitious goal! By December 2021, they want to provide 100 worry monsters to the Dougy Center, which is a non-profit organization in their community that helps kids cope with grief. Ultimately, they want to make and give away as many monsters as possible!
Mom said,Â
“We even had Wyatt’s teacher give one of the worry monsters to a child in her class who has autism, and she told us the difference in the child’s mood and ability to connect drastically improved.”
So far in just 2 years’ time, the boys have been able to bless nearly 250 children with the gift of their own worry monster. That’s amazing! Just recently someone purchased 24 of the 31 monsters that were made and on hand, but that didn’t stop these kids! They managed to produce 19 monsters in just 3 days! The youngest, Wyatt, was sure to inform me that if he could give a monster to anyone it would be Mario and Luigi! This is what I mean, EVERYONE needs a monster!
Tell me about the monsters!
Monsters range from $15 for the tooth fairy pillows, $25 for a mini, and up to $50 for the ULTIMATEÂ large CUSTOM weighted monster. With each $35 purchase, you will provide at least 4 children with a monster! First off, they have zipper pockets for mouths with the main purpose being to “put in your worries and zip them away.” Secondly, the zippers are where you can also insert a bean bag! The benefit of that being to use it as a warm or cold compress. These monsters are absolutely adorable, and my kids LOVED opening up their packages when they came in the mail. Each monster also comes with a sweet letter from the creative kids who started this business!
Get a monster, give 4 monsters!
These kiddos are so ambitious and generous. Talking with them and their mother was not only entertaining, as you can imagine interviewing two young boys would be, but it was very encouraging. These kids really do have a heart for helping other children. They spend a lot of time designing, producing, and delivering them. Michelle has taught these boys the importance of generosity and how you can practically love your neighbor. Remember, everyone can use a monster.
I asked Michelle what we could do to help them reach their goal. She didn’t ask for money, she asked for our words. She would love to see her boys not only reach their goal for the Dougy Center but to exceed it. Of course, a way to help do that is to purchase a monster for your child or other children you know who may benefit from having one.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16 ESV
Bethany Dumbleton is the Chief Operations Officer for Counter Culture mom. She is first and foremost a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
Her husband and two children are her main ministry which overflows into her life ministry. She knows that our children follow our example. She strives to help parents grow in Christ, so they may shepherd their children biblically.
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