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The Importance of Nurturing Your Child’s Giftings!

Are you stuck on how to recognize and nurture your child’s giftings? Cindy Harmon, American Idol winner Trent Harmon’s mom tells us what to look for!

HOLLYWOOD INSIDER with Tina Marie. Today’s guest is Cindy Harmon – American Idol Winner Trent Harmon’s mom! A business owner, former school teacher and children’s musical director.

Episode SIX – Nurture your child’s giftings so they may impact the world for Christ!

(watch video here)

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 1:17 Trent wins American Idol and I knew his mom did something right in raising him.
 2:07 Cindy’s upbringing, salvation story and how she met her husband.
 6:07 When the tragic accident happened, Cindy’s husband became a believer.
 6:30 Cindy’s difficulty getting pregnant and her walk with God through this.
 12:29 The importance of praying daily for your kids.
 18:23 What to do when you get frustrated with your kids. Cindy’s busy life with young kids.
 19:38 Cindy’s routine with reading scripture in the home and eating dinner as a family daily!
 20:53 The importance of asking our kids ?s and showing interest in their lives.
 21:55 Cindy’s early signs that Trent would be a singer and how she nurtured his talent.
 24:32 Why many kids don’t have a purpose or vision for their lives today.
 26:57 Teaching your kids God’s word is crucial so they know their identity is in Christ!
 28:08 What key things Cindy did right in raising her kids that have helped them be a warrior for Christ.
 30:36 How Cindy balanced her career, working on the farm and investing in her kids.
 33:39 What Trent had within him that helped him win American Idol!
 35:25 Cindy detested a certain number. It freaked her out and then she understood what God meant!
 39:20 Cindy was shocked her son won American Idol. Her thoughts on the night of the finale!
 42:08 What Cindy thought right after Trent was named American Idol for the final season #15.
 42:54 Randi-Kathryn was fully supportive of her brother. Neat to see.
 43:48 God didn’t answer Cindy’s prayer regarding the Voice for a reason. Neat story.
 46:09 Cindy’s trust in the Lord grew majorly through this whole endeavor.
 46:53 Trent’s hardworking mentality came from his hard work ethic.
 49:30 What Trent is working on today.
 51:07 How can we as moms instill the hard work ethic in our kids?
 55:08 Matt McKee our next guest will teach us how to set parameters regarding technology in our home.
 56:42 Cindy’s big goals and dreams.
 58:16 Last encouraging words from Cindy to all moms.
 1:04:00 Cindy just finished a book called “When God Doesn’t Fix It.”
 1:05:40 Conclusion

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giftingsCONTACT: If you have any questions for Cindy Harmon or you just want to connect with her, click here: Cindy Harmon. If you would like to follow Trent and what he’s currently working on, check out his website!

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Spend time with each of your children and discover what giftings and talents they have. Ask them questions and help nurture their interests so they too can be used by God in a mighty way!

Question: After taking this challenge, what are some of the things you discovered about your children that you didn’t know before? How do you plan on nurturing their talents? Share your stories by clicking here!

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