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How to make a good movie a GREAT movie through filtering with VidAngel!

Are there a couple of movies you’d love to show your kids but they have several bad words and scenes? With VidAngel you can filter those out within seconds!

We’re in the midst of a BATTLE between HOLLYWOOD vs. PARENTS regarding the right to filter today’s entertainment! On HOLLYWOOD INSIDER this week, we have guest Matthew Faraci, VidAngel’s External Relations Director talking all about the ease and access to filtering today’s entertainment to make it more family-friendly!

Episode TWELVE – How to make a good movie a GREAT movie through filtering with VidAngel!

(watch video here)

[youtube id=”rHD5j3cW8xw”]


1:11 VidAngel’s beginnings. The why and how!
2:38 The difference between Pure Flix and VidAngel
3:29 Pure Flix makes entertainment customizable for us to choose what we see and hear
5:06 Matthew’s kids help decide what they filter in their shows before they watch it
7:23 Family Movie Act was passed in 2005 giving filtering rights to parents
8:07 A year ago, VidAngel was sued by 4 major Hollywood studios
8:45 VidAngel was shut down for 6 months by a district court in Los Angeles
9:20 New VidAngel launched mid June 2017. Streaming services were added to the list of choices.
10:30 The news is twisting the truth about VidAngel. They are NOT doing anything illegal!
13:10 VidAngel is still getting attacked by studios. Sony started to clean up their movies.
14:44 Why Hollywood is giving VidAngel such a hard time. It makes economic sense to have VidAngel!
15:50 Celebrities shelter their kids from their own entertainment. They should do the same for our kids!
16:42 VidAngel team is in it to win it for families. The mission is much larger than themselves.
18:45 Senator Orrin Hatch is helping enforce the Family Movie Act. Encourage him through email!
20:20 If VidAngel didn’t exist…there would be no more filtering options for families. Not good!
21:20 VidAngel is for everyone. Kids and adults with any type of backgrounds and belief’s. It connects us.
24:40 Some shows out today we should still steer clear from, but most just have small scenes we can skip.
25:35 What we can do to help VidAngel. Share on social media, support Senator Hatch,
27:25 How we can get signed up for VidAngel. 30 days for FREE and then $7.99 after that per month.
28:05 How we can contact VidAngel. Main way is through their Facebook page.
28:36 Last wise words from Matthew regarding filtering.
30:30 New title on the system called Tim Timmerman Hope of America. MUST SEE!
30:57 VidAngel has worlds largest collection of clean comedians. Dry Bar Comedy.
31:25 Ways parents can help us spread the word about VidAngel and Hollywood Insider. Share the video!
32:05 Text word ALERT to 444999 to get your FREE resource guide & pop culture alert texting service.

Click here to join the growing Counter Culture Crusade community on Facebook!

VidAngel Website
Senator Orrin Hatch urges MPAA to allow filtering on streaming services
Contact Senator Hatch and send him a letter of encouragement!
Where Hollywood says you can filter
VidAngel is being SUED and they are NOT doing anything illegal! Check out this eye-opening clip!
SIGN YOUR NAME to this petition and help save filtering!

Connect with Matthew Faraci:
Matthew’s Facebook Pagevidangel

THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Sign up for the one free month of service from VidAngel and filter several movies according to your preference. Watch the quality of entertainment in your household improve along with the positive response from your kids! Spread the word about this excellent service!

Question: What movies are you excited to start filtering for your family? Share your thoughts by clicking here! We would love to check them out as well!

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