21 Feb, 2017 The Top 5 Benefits of Being in a Mastermind!
Stuck in a rut? Need help to take your dream or mission to the next level? Done trying to figure things out on your own? Form a mastermind today!
About 2 years ago, I was stuck! I knew I had a message that saved lives. I’ve been sharing the jam-packed media show called Hollywood Exposed for over 14 years, however, now a homeschool mom of 4, I still want to reach the masses but I knew the method of delivering that message would need to be tweaked. After going through Michael Hyatt’s book “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World” with my dear friend Kim Keller, I knew this conference would be a great follow up to the book. The more I could learn about how to get my message out to more people, the more people I could help. I was in!
It was November 2014, when I flew to Denver, Colorado to attend a conference I didn’t know would change my life. The Platform conference’s main mission, hosted by Ken Davis and Michael Hyatt, is to help people build and expand their platforms. Whether you’re a speaker, writer, blogger, vlogger or even a business owner, this conference helps equip people to hone in on their talents and become laser focused on building their mission and message online. “They know they have something great. They just can’t figure out how to let the world know about it,” explained former Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing, Michael Hyatt.
It was like drinking out of a fire hose for those 5 full days at the Platform conference. One of the takeaways, was that a majority of leaders were involved in a mastermind at one time in their life. And their testimonies about them made me want one!
Wondering What a Mastermind Is?
I did too. Forbes contributing writer Stephanie Burns commented in her mastermind article, “A mastermind group is designed to help you navigate through challenges using the collective intelligence of others.” Over the past year and a half, I’ve realized that together we can become more powerful than pursuing our mission alone.
Finding My Own Mastermind.
After landing and checking in at the fancy Broadmoor Hotel (can I stay for a month?) and saying my hello to one of the most talented speakers I know, Ken Davis, I made my way over to the restaurant for dinner. I quickly scanned the room and I noticed one seat was left at a large round table full of boisterous women. It was evident they all loved life and therefore, I excitedly grabbed the last remaining chair. Next to me was a wonderful woman with a warm smile named Mona Corwin whom today is one of my closest and dearest friends. This is when my life changed forever. Just saying YES to what God is telling us to do will lead us down paths and experiences we never thought possible.
Yes to the Platform Conference
Yes to taking that last seat at the table of wild women
Yes to forming a master mind with America’s Top Mom Mentor – Mona Corwin
It was at that conference when Mona and I discussed setting up a mastermind of our own and within weeks after returning home, the Edit Room Mastermind was born. I went from being confused on what to do next in ministry to getting laser focused on who I am trying to help and what message I want to convey. No matter what mission you have in life, if you find yourself stuck or if things are going great – you will ALWAYS benefit greatly from starting and doing a mastermind.
Top 5 Benefits of Being in a mastermind.
- You’re not alone. Having this vision inside of me and not knowing how to get it out to the world was frustrating. I like to quickly figure things out and get them done, so it has been so refreshing to have 4 other women sharing their dreams and goals with me and seeing all the progress we make each week. We are all on this journey together.
- Accountability. Each Monday we talk for at least a solid hour. All 5 of us jump on a zoom call and talk about our week. Our wins (what we accomplished) and where we are stuck. We then help each other solve problems from tech issues, to how to create a newsletter template, get feedback on a video or website we created, etc. The accountability helps us stay on track and get our goals done for that week. We don’t want to let any of our posse down 🙂
- Ideas galore! With the 5 of us working together, it has been phenomenal what kinds of ideas we’ve conjured up for each other. From branding our business names to coming up with killer blog post titles and even names of our upcoming books and video series. Five heads are better than one by far!
- Encouragement. If I wouldn’t have had these beautiful women in my life, who really get who I am and know how to help, I know I would be frustrated and fried! Now I can’t keep up with the ideas pouring through my mind! I have direction and encouragement along the way!
- Always learning! One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is that this mastermind has greatly improved my knowledge from how to shoot videos, create content, efficiently use social media, come up with great blog ideas and titles and even the best ways to do a product launch! It would have taken years to learn what I now know because of all the knowledge from the other women. We all have areas we are masters at and we have all been able to help each other in areas we didn’t have much experience in.
Many people want to do what God has called them to do and they have this huge dream in their heart, but they just don’t know how to get started! I am in a mastermind to help me grow my speaking ministry and reach more kids and parents with God’s truth. To dispel the lies of today’s culture and entertainment is what I am passionate about. However, you can easily set up a mastermind to help you through your journey of mothering, starting a new business or even on traveling tips. Really any subject will work and all you need is to find several other people who want to join you for discussion regularly in order to give feedback and advice on your main topic.
Think bigger.
Burns states, “Being in a mastermind will truly give you a Master Mind! You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.” I whole heartedly agree. Thank you lovely ladies for changing my life in so many ways and for helping me be a better me! Here are the ladies of our Edit Room Mastermind group. Check out all the amazing things they are up to!
Mona Corwin –Â Helping moms find their calling, find their balance and live their own UnRivaled story!
Lisa Canning – Blueprints for a Beautiful Life
Susie Miller – The Better Relationship Coach
Christy Largent –Â Helping business leaders increase positivity and profits by strengthening employee engagement with her Engaged Employee System
Tina Griffin –Â Helping Moms Safely Navigate through Today’s Pop Culture
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THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: What area of life are you stuck in? Is there a dream or goal you’d like to accomplish and you’re looking for others to help you along the way? Figure out what mastermind you want to create and invite others you’d like to be on your team to join you in the journey!
Question: What mastermind did you create? Share the steps you took to get it going by clicking here!
Posted at 23:39h, 21 MarchHi Tina,
I’d be interested in partnering up and seeing if you’d like to help your audience get into a mastermind group. We are launching a virtual mastermind portal.
Tina Marie Griffin
Posted at 13:30h, 23 MarchRonan,
Can you email me early April to talk about this possibility? Tina@CounterCultureMom.com Thank you so much! Great idea!