22 Jul, 2020 Teen Vogue Encourages Teens to Oppose Parents on Social Issues
A recent article in Teen Vogue magazine encourages teens to oppose and discard the values taught them by their parents, especially those values are Christian.
Teen Vogue not only wants your teen to be obsessed with sex at increasingly younger ages, but they also celebrate the teens who support Black Lives Matter in open opposition to their families.
In their July 16, 2020 article, “These Teens Support Black Lives Matter – But Their Parents Don’t” (click the title to read the full article), they highlight several families that “fight their familial battle in public.”
“At her high school, she says she was surrounded by white kids who would say the N-word, teachers who would make fun of liberal views, and an onslaught of sexism, racism, and transphobia.
“All of this cruelty was justified by saying it’s what God wants,” Anastassia said.” (Teen Vogue, July 16, 2020)
The article goes on to paint Christian families as backward and rigid, defiant teenagers fighting for social justice as courageous warriors, and the Black Lives Matter movement as righteous.
The goal of the BLM movement is to destroy your family and Christian values under the false doctrine of social justice.
Counter Culture Mom Challenge
- Remember what Sue Ellen Browder said about writing for Cosmo? She said most of their “quotes” and stories were completely fictional. Is it much of a stretch that Teen Vogue would do the same thing to promote the liberal agenda?
- Stand firm in your Christian faith. Share it. Show people what it looks like to demonstrate the love of Jesus and invite them to it. Jesus is the ultimate healer who will bring unity back to this nation.
- Share with us how you and your family are discussing the current social and political issues.
Download the new Counter Culture Mom app for our Pop Culture Alerts that expose the darkness being exposed to our children!
Please share your thoughts by commenting.
Inform us of positive or negative pop culture or issues that we need to be aware of. We will make sure that all families in our network get the info. If we missed something in this write-up, let us know and we’ll update it. Thanks!
Lilibeth Aviles
Posted at 14:27h, 30 AugustI can’t access the links provided in this article. The website says the site can’t be reached. Looking forward to seeing it fixed and been able to read the articles attached to those links.
I appreciate all you do. God bless.
CCM Team
Posted at 16:33h, 01 SeptemberHi! Thanks so much for your comment! The links that are telling you that are saying it because it is directed to an article on our app! Please download our app and then you can access the links that are not working!