24 Jul, 2016 Resurrect Your Dreams!
You are NEVER too old, too pregnant, too modest, too tall or have too many kids (and any other excuses you give yourself) to NOT resurrect your dreams!
Have you ever felt like you’ve missed your opportunity to pursue your dreams? Think again!
Several months ago, I did something wild. My friend Mary told me about a TV series that will be shooting in our small town here in Missouri this summer. Having the love of acting still in my blood, I called one of the locations where some scenes will be shot to do a little research. However, the man couldn’t tell me any production information or shoot dates due to confidentiality. I could have hung up the phone and said “Well, I tried.” Instead, I sat there for a moment and thought, “That’s it. What do I have to lose. I’m googling the production company for this project and giving them a buzz!”
While the phone was ringing, I was praying I wouldn’t say something stupid or fumble my words. It’s been a decade since I’ve worked on set let alone talked to a casting agent. A woman answered the phone and connected me with the head guy in the production office. We had a great talk and he told me that my friend and I could submit our resumes and head shots to him directly. After several exchanges via email, I received a message from a woman who was the head of casting in Atlanta, saying she would be in touch with me regarding the details of the shoot later this year. We shall see what happens, but regardless we were stoked just to get a response. It reminded me that life is too short to not take a chance, dream big and pick up the phone.
Moms, we don't take time to really figure out what God's plan is for us. What dreams can we work on WHILE raising our families?
— Tina Marie Griffin (@TinaMGriffin) November 12, 2016
What is stopping YOU from pursuing your dreams?
Many moms have huge dreams they want to pursue but feel they don’t have the right to dream big because they have a family to raise, couldn’t afford it or don’t have time to pursue it. For whatever reason, I just want to challenge you that you CAN go after your dream while being a mom! God planted those dreams within you.
Yes, there is a season for everything, but if God is clearly saying to you to move forward in an area of your life, then just trust Him that he will guide you every step of the way! In addition, your kids will see you using your God-given talents to reach others through pursuing your dreams. Nothing is cooler than that! Yes, it will be work. Yes it will take time. And yes, you might mess up along the way, but I promise you, seeing the dreams becoming reality, will be far more exciting than wondering what if…
My challenge for the week is that you pick one thing that you’ve always wanted to do and DO IT! Take that dance class, book a flight to Italy, design that dream kitchen, finish your schooling or write that book! God planted that dream in us and as long as it lines up with His word, our exciting adventure begins when we take that first step! God knows what this one step will lead to and before you know it, you’ll look back and realize it was that first step that got you to surpass your wildest dreams! And your kids will learn to reach past their fears and DREAM BIG as well!
[youtube id=”4_0ULZf8X0I”]
Posted at 16:54h, 02 AugustI loved this, Tina! So good. Thank you for sharing.
Posted at 19:57h, 25 SeptemberThank you for your encouragement Abbie!