19 Apr, 2017 How we can help save more babies!
Many women with an unwanted pregnancy feel pressured or trapped thinking abortion is the only option. This information will help us all save more babies!
HOLLYWOOD INSIDER with Tina Marie. Our guest today is Joe Baker, founder and CEO of Save the Storks. Their mission? To help give women other choices besides abortion for their unwanted pregnancies.
Episode TWO – How we can help save more babies!
(watch video here)
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Introduction 1:35 Ministry beginnings. Ideas becoming realities. 2:35 Why Joe Baker started this ministry. His life-changing moment! 6:25 Joe shares about his family - wife and kids. 10:10 How entertainment glamorizes abortion and doesn’t give other options. 10:58 Movies that have a pro-life message. 12:55 Joe’s advice on what moms can do if their daughters become pregnant. 14:55 Young girls don’t know that fetus means “little one” and Planned Parenthood's deception 15:40 Joe breaks down other BETTER options for women with an unwanted pregnancy. 20:34 Adoption wait list. Statistics are staggering! 22:43 Save the Storks primary mission 25:28 I was called “anti pro-choicer” while working on movie sets in Hollywood 27:13 Share your story if you’ve had an abortion. Help save lives and your heart will heal. 27:49 Joe shares how he raised the funds to get the vans equipped with ultrasounds throughout the country 33:11 What helps Joe not want to give up when times get tough. 37:40 Overcoming FEAR allows people to do what God says. 41:03 Many kids are alive today because Joe did what God told him to do - save lives. 42:15 What are inside the vans that are helping women choose LIFE! 45:20 Planned Parenthood is building mobile units because of Joe’s success with his vans. 46:10 I want to see Planned Parenthood defunded and their death chambers crumble to the ground. 47:10 Check out Joe’s website and how we can get involved in his ministry or a similar one. 48:45 What our donations cover if we give to Save the Storks. 50:18 How we can support women who are currently facing an unwanted pregnancy. 52:52 The steps we can take to start a ministry like this. 58:36 How to get involved in being an ambassador for Save the Storks! Conclusion
All about adoption
If you’ve had an abortion in the past and need help/healing
October Baby
To volunteer, or give financially to Joe’s Save the Stork mission click here: SAVE THE STORKS!
THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: If saving babies is tugging at your heart strings, get involved in a ministry in your area that helps mothers who are facing an unwanted pregnancy. Pray with them, inform them of these other life-saving options and share your personal story if it deals with this situation. God will give you direction on what you should do to help save more lives!
Question: What are your fears or your greatest concerns in regards to talking about abortion? I would love to help in any way that I can. Share your thoughts by clicking here!
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