Counter Culture Mom

It’s Not About Trump, It’s About US!


How can we make a difference in our families and our communities? It’s not all about Trump! Here are 5 things we can do to become UNITED once and for all.

What an election year. Everyone having different views, but all of us playing a part. After leaving the polls with my four kids, I just sat in my truck and prayed. I prayed God would unite us as a nation regardless of the results. I prayed God would protect his people and protect our country during and after the election. I prayed that all Americans would unite and be the best people we could be so we can lead our children by example. Regardless of who we voted for, we ALL want the best for our kids. Now that the election has ended, what can we do to help unify this country and heal our land?

Here are the top FIVE things you can do to unify our country!

God gave each of us gifts and talents to help share truth. Regardless of how we voted, NOW is the time to get busy and lovingly share truth and do what God has called us to do!

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THE CHALLENGE THIS WEEK: Ask God to give you clarity on what He wants you to do to share Christ to others and how He wants you to do it. Take that first step.

Question: What do you think God is now leading you to do post election? Share your answer by clicking here.

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